The Complete History of Theatre (abridged)

by Matt Thompson

Photo Credit: Mark Doty

A stellar cast!

This cast was so stellar that they have been invited to do a cultural exchange with The Sidcot School in England to perform The Complete History of Theatre (abridged) in late Fall 2022!  We will also collaborate on a devised piece with the Sidcot actors to perform in NYC, February 2023.

The Complete History of Theatre is usually performed with just three to four actors. Since it is extremely wordy, quick-paced, and requires superb comic timing, I split the show in half so my actors wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. This allowed for two times the actors’ opportunities and worked like gangbusters.


A director must be extremely flexible when working in educational theatre production. Currently, I work on a tiny 13’x13’ proscenium stage with no stage-right wing space. It simply doesn’t accommodate most stories or casts - so I always try to do something unique for every show by pulling the action into the house or by creating voms and using lots of levels. That way the audience is always surprised and feels more involved.